A lot of people know that for the last 6 years, a bunch of our family and friends have been participating in the Scioto County Relay For Life. Our team, Venturers For A Cure was started in 2010. We were at first called Mission Scouters because most of our team consisted of Scouts since my Uncle is a troop leader and because a few people from our church(Sacred Mission Church) were also members. We ended up using the name Venturers For A Cure our second year and it stuck.
"Venturers or Venturing, is a program of the Boy Scouts of America for young men
and women. Members must be at least 14 years old, or 13 years old and
have completed eighth grade, through age 21. Venturing's purpose is to provide positive experiences to help young
people mature and to prepare them to become responsible and caring
Venturing is based on a unique and dynamic relationship between
youth, adult leaders, and organizations in their communities. Local
community organizations establish a Venturing crew by matching their
people and program resources to the interests of young people in the
community. The result is a program of exciting and meaningful activities
that helps youth pursue their special interests, grow, develop
leadership skills, and become good citizens. " - Source: Boy Scouts of America http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Venturing/About/venturing.aspx
This definition seemed fitting for our Relay For Life team so we added the "For A Cure" to the end and it just stuck.
Every year since we started, I have designed our shirts and we have chosen a different cancer to represent and raise awareness about, while using the designated color for that cancer. In 2010, we used Gray(Brain Cancer) and Orange(Leukemia). In 2011 we used Pink for Breast Cancer(supporting our Grandmother who has since become a survivor) and in 2012, Purple for Pancreatic Cancer. 2013 we chose a racing theme for our tent site and used Lung Cancer which is white. We had checkered flags on our shirts. Last year, 2014, we did a Dr. Seuss theme and represented Childhood Cancer, using Gold and Purple, which is typically used for Neuroblastoma.
This year, Relay For Life was celebrating 30 years and our county chose to go a long with the 80's. Our team chose to do Super Mario Brothers for our theme because it was born the same year that Relay For Life was, 1985. We represented Lymphoma and wore lime green shirts. I thought I would share with you, the design we had for our shirts. So far, this is one of my favorite designs for Relay For Life!